The End of this Leg
Viva la Email fans.
Alas the time of the Wookiees Travels (the Indian leg) must end but on with the journey, next stop Singapore (and into the temptation zone for rabid conspicuous consumption), if I escape without a burnt pocket it will be a miracle.
Since last we spoke I have ventured into the mountains once more for another speculative search for the Yeti, but what news? no breakthroughs in the case and I fear that to expect to find a snow-dwelling creature with an obvious propensity to hide from the hunters gaze in the temperate zone of SE Asia is to expect a miracle.
"I'll get you next time, next time!"
My attempt at experiencing enlightenment in the land of Buddha, namely Bodhgaya, Bihar (yes, the lawless state, where simply voting out of turn can mean instant death) was thwarted to some extent by a condition of the stomach (something I have christened Calcutta stutter, promise me that next time you are in Calcutta you won't get a rush of bravado and drink the water) and so I was laid low in bed most of the time but this comes with the territory.
To all those contemplating the Sub-continent as there next stopover, do it and do it soon before The Indian government prostitutes everything to the Yanks and/or the line of control in Kashmir sees the South Asian land mass inexplicably cease to exist because of nuclear proliferation that was initiated by an unfavourable result in the cricket for either India or Pakistan.
But seriously (nuclear capabilities are too abstract for me to deal with at this stage), my time in India has provided endless and obviously unexplainable insights into the everyday of a billion people, 3 months has been just the right amount of time for this stint but I will be back no doubt, I still haven't seen the South and I didn't get to the Taj (but after all if I need to see a rock that acts as a tourist attraction I could always head up to Ayres rock for a look).
Till next we meet on the information highway, or at the crossroads of the world.
Keep this thought in mind, time is just a quantity that works in parallel with the course of our lives and as the Indians proudly say "Tomorrow, Tomorrow after, no problems".
Talk to you then.
The Wookie.