From the Transit Lounge
How's everyone going?
Been out of touch for a while, in Laos for a month, a transit stop of sorts before the continent.
Hanging out in the capital with the family who took me under their wing the last time around.
A bizarre occurrence a few days there, drinking the local fire water and chatting with a member of the family one day, the next day she goes to the toilet and dies, no-one sure exactly of the cause, we thought she may have slipped but it is suspected that she had a heart attack and was probably dead before she hit the floor. In all the commotion I saw the body, hardly something you expect on a holiday and in such circumstances, so I was locked into the position of not wanting to desert in this time of mourning for the family and me as an honorary member. The Laos tradition sees the body hosted by the family for a week, the body is cremated and then the home of the death is prayed upon to clean the spirits.
So in 17 days in Vientiane, I went to the funeral twice, playing cards and drinking and eating are the celebratory backdrop, went to the wake, more drinking and eating, and finally it felt right to make a break for a week up North for some R and R [sans death celebrations].
Certainly different for us of the Christian legacy but why not let it be said that death is a send off of sorts so why not celebrate death as much as life.
A challenging month to say the least, but a confirmation of the incredibly open nature of Laos people, always a home away from home, and reinforcing the idea that Lao Lao [The Drink of Choice] is thicker than water but not quite the same colour as blood.
Back in Bangkok, leaving for old Blighty Wed morn and wondering what the road has in store.
London for a month and then Edinburgh for the festival.
More news as it comes to the minds eye.
Take it easy.
Love to everyone [including those beyond this dastardly, yet convenient communication device].
The Wookiee.