10 February 2009

The Oneness Of Humanity!

I am deeply saddened by the extreme suffering of those who have been affected by the bush fires around the country. It is always in these times of adversity that communities bond together and people offer their generosity and compassion.

I think this quote from His Holiness puts into perspective how we can change our perspective on the interconnectedness we share, not just in these times of tragedy but also in our everyday lives. We have to consider that our actions and circumstances may affect others without our knowing and we should be considerate and mindful of our actions, this is "universal responsibility".

" As human beings, we are all the same. So there is no need to build some kind of artificial barrier between us. At least my own experience is that if you have this kind of attitude, there is no barrier. Whatever I feel, I can express; I can call you 'my old friend'. There is nothing to hide, and no need to say things in a way that is not straightforward. So this gives me a kind of space in my mind, with the result that I do not have to be suspicious of others all the time. And this really gives me inner satisfaction, and inner peace.

So I call this feeling a 'genuine realization of the oneness of the whole of humanity'. We are all members of one human family. I think that this understanding is very important, especially now that the world is becoming smaller and smaller. In ancient times, even in a small village, people were able to exist more or less independently. There was not so much need for others' co-operation. These days, the economic structure has completely changed, so that modern economies, relying on industry, are totally different. We are heavily dependent on one another, and also as a result of mass communication, the barriers of the past are greatly reduced. Today, because of the complexity of interdependence, every crisis on this planet is essentially related with every other, like a chain reaction. Consequently it is worthwhile taking every crisis as a global one. Here barriers such as 'this nation' or 'that nation', 'this continent', or 'that continent' are simply obstacles. Therefore today, for the future of the human race, it is more important than ever before that we develop a genuine sense of brotherhood and sisterhood. I usually call this a sense of 'universal responsibility'. "

--from Dzogchen: The Heart Essence of the Great Perfection by the Dalai Lama, translated by Thupten Jinpa and Richard Barron, Foreword by Sogyal Rinpoche, edited by Patrick Gaffney, published by Snow Lion Publications


  1. Anonymous7:57 pm

    Yes kieth I prefer not to talk to people who I have nothing in common. As the world becomes smaller and smaller we have more in common with future of our planet some still do not understand or are yet to understand the significance of the moment which may be already to late.

  2. Anonymous2:20 pm

    Dear Kieth,

    I am inspired by your piece about the oneness of humanity, as such embracing is also keen to my soul and understanding. How wonderful to hear you talking about ‘universal responsibility’. Everyone lives in everyone else and everyone lives in us in a family unity of all that is. Our flow outward in a sharing with others stresses the oneness of all. Conscious participation in totality and universal unity is a personal choice.

    Mayte Picco-Kline
    Author of Wholeness in Living
