Not difficult to believe that a recent UN report said that organic communal farming could easily solve the current world food shortages.
It says, " Organic farming can often lead to polarised views, with some viewing it as a saviour and others as a niche product or something of a luxury... this report suggests it could make a serious contribution to tackling poverty and food insecurity. "
And what about the suggestion that in these times of "economic crisis" the alternative could be a system of community-based credit exchange which had its roots during the Great Depression.
" The medium of exchange could be anything, as long as everyone who uses it trusts that everyone else will recognise its value. "
If we could build organic communities based around communal farming and alternative monetary systems we'd probably be living a Marxist ideal or something near enough but surely the time is coming for a lifestyle revolution on a grand scale which makes living without corporate greed a workable reality, an organic process.
Should we need money for food and consumer items then let's trade!
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