I've been following the situation in the Gaza Strip and lamenting the ability of either side to find a resolution to the their ongoing conflict.
I've also been browsing the perverse world of English Football where no news is bad news and so talk has turned again to former English player Paul "Gazza" Gascoigne who has admitted, not for the first time, that if he doesn't quit the bottle this time his life could be over.
Just what is the difference between Gazza and Gaza?
Well one is an over-inflated ego and wasted talent whose life has drifted out of control and become a source of great tragedy in the media, while Gaza is an ongoing conflict between two ideologically opposed groups of people who continue to waste the opportunity for peace because of their sheer bloody-mindedness and the egos of the leaders who continue to perpetrate one of the great ongoing tragedies, because like a recovering alcoholic they just keep "falling off the wagon".
Both have the ability to solve their issues but it seems their view is clouded by the habit of a lifetime, the "demon drink" in the case of Gazza and "murderous intent" in the case of Gaza.
I guess the media is responsible for the proliferation of such habits because they put these situations under the microscope for the sake of making news without serious consideration of the lives the impact on with their coverage of "Save Gazza" and "Save Gaza".
The media stooped so low recently as to quote Gazza's 12-year-old son Regan, in a television documentary called Saving Gazza , as saying that he thought his father would "die soon" and wished he would "go away" from the family.
"I don't think there's any point in helping him... I feel bad and sorry for him because he's in this kind of state but it's not our fault," the youngster said.
As Israel invades The Gaza Strip to possibly annihilate Hamas and the mostly non-violent and innocent Palestinian people, it is those people who are doing the most to let the truth be told on the ongoing situation, as one blogger wrote, "Whats sad is that we used to talk about the Arab failure, now we are talking about the Arab betrayal! The Arab countries are actually supporting Israel this time, and by the Arab countries I mean the governments not the people. Only if we would actually cooperate we can do so much, but our leaders are greedy and they will do anything to stay in power."
How is it that the muscles of the UN Security Council cannot be flexed to bring an end to the situation.
The press continues to report how Israel Bombs and provides Humanitarian Aid in equal measure.
What next, Gazza doing ads for lager and going on a bender in support of Alcoholics Anonymous!
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