“Genius is present in every age, but the men carrying it within them remain benumbed unless extraordinary events occur to heat up and melt the mass so that it flows forth.”
Denis Diderot quotes (French man of letters and philosopher, 1713-1784)
“In political discussion heat is in inverse proportion to knowledge.”
The concept of Heat and Politics is certainly topical, considering the critical decisions that get made in the heat of the moment, wars in the Middle East for example.
It seems on a world level that knowledge equates to diplomacy and heat fuels ignorance though having said that could ignorance and diplomacy be two sides of the same humanitarian coin!
We are truly living in an extraordinary age but is the tide of daily events too much even for those whose genius could stem this tide, after all the leaders of the world are only human.
Even if people are averse to the cut and thrust of politics and the heat that it generates, it is our collective duty to use what personal resources we have, be they intellectual or material, to change the society around us, we are "the mass that flows forth" and we can hold the decision makers to account.
The concept of "Global Warming" is an environmental reality but also intensifies on a human level as conflict continues in spite of the evidence that anger, hate, ignorance and violence are destructive forces which continue to test the human spirit beyond its capacity to endure.