An undersea earthquake of magnitude 6.8 has occurred at 06:27 PM EDT on
Thursday 15 January 2009 near LOYALTY ISLANDS REGION.
Now that's a relief, but surely the climate is changing!
The first Summer Heat strikes and everyone is out with, "what about this heat!", we certainly don't get the big southerlies we used to, that came to cool everything down and maybe bring a shower of rain.
I don't know about you, but I think the weatherman no longer has the same integrity that they used to, the Des Hart's and Alan Wilkie's of our formative years who appeared on the TV like the rock of our lives, predicting precisely how we'd experience the next week or two even. Now you watch them twitch as they lay all on the line, some aren't even trained meteorologists, open up the heavens and swallow them whole!
They called a cyclone after "Wilkie", how much more cred do you need.
So if there is a Tsunami, when do we get to hear about it?
I remember traveling in India in 2004 when the devastating Tsunami made it's way across the Indian Ocean from Sumatra. I was in the central South when it came and went on Boxing Day, but little did I know the devastation it had created all over South-East Asia. It was over in an instant but it changed lives forever, I'll never forget the newspaper headlines in the English dailies in India setting out in gruesome detail the destruction and tallying up the body count along the way.
It's surreal in a way that lives could lost in a breath but an ever-present reminder of the impermanence of this precious life.
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